09 de Octubre 2015
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Check here to see bus lines operating between Guatemala, Mexico, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador. Tours across five countries and locally by the Ruta Maya. Find what you need to link your journey
On this page you will find the bus lines that operate between the five countries of the Mayan Route and the description of local routes.
The map insert to the right shows in red the road routes that can be met with luxury bus lines between the five countries. The contact details for each line of luxury buses are listed below for your convenience.
Some of these transport companies offer special tours to visited archaeological sites.
The other less touristy Mayan sites should be visited in a village bus,car or walking (ancient Mayan sites like El Mirador and Ri oAzul).
Remember, that depending on you rnationality, you may or may not require a tourist visa for entry to any or all of the countries of the Mayan Route.
If you are from Central America, one does not need a visa to enter Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras. The provisions of Belize may require a visa, while Central Americans will always need a visa to enter Mexico.
Consult our section on Information aboutvisas on the página de FAQ Preguntas Frecuentes para visitar la Ruta Maya y sitios arqueológicos.
Bus Lines in México
Gray Line

Provides transportation from Cancun to Chichen Itza and Tulum in the Riviera Maya. Specializes in packages to Chichen Itza. It has the expected service and transportation from arrival at the airport.
Check the website of Gray Line(http://www.graylinecancun.com) for more information on itineraries and fares.
Itineraries for: Merida - Cancun, Cancun - Tulum and Chetumal to transport from other destinations in the Yucatan Peninsula and the rest of Mexico.
Gold Line Link to travel to Belize, Guatemala, Petén and Guatemala City from the terminal in Chetumal.
For this link and the journey towards the south, you can choose a route with scheduled transfers or purchase your ticket directly at the terminal of Chetumal (window # 2).
ADO has a link to Autotur bus lines, for any route in the egion, ideal for larger groups. See the ADO website for contact information, prices and reservations.
ADO, main page.(
ADOdelujo. (
Autotur. (
Bus Lines in Guatemala
(Some of the following routes link the country to the rest of the Ruta Maya)
Línea Dorada

Provides transportation between Guatemala -Belize, Guatemala - Mexico. Link to the ADO bus line to complete trave lfrom Guatemala to Cancun and Guatemala to Merida. Your destination bus station in Mexico is in Chetumal, where you can choose any other option for connections.
Among the local routes (in Guatemala) that will be useful to approach archaeological sites one can find:
- Guatemala - FloresPetén (close to Tikal)
- Guatemala - Quetzaltenango (pass close to Iximché and from Quetzaltenango you can reach Gumarcaj and Zaculeu).
Consult the
página web de Línea Dorada (
http://www.tikalmayanworld.com) for information on the prices and the routes.
Fuente del Norte

Their service offers luxury transportation from Guatemala City to various destinations in the nation that are close to Mayan archaeological sites.
Routes the you will find useful in your journey through Ruta Maya are:
- Guatemala city to Poptún (ideal to visit Naj Tunich)
- Guatemala city to Sayaxché (ideal to reach arqueológico delPetexbatún)
- Guatemala cityto Santa Elena in Petén (closeto Tikal)
- Guatemala city to El Estor Izabal (passes infront of the entrance to Quiriguá)
- Guatemala city to Quetzaltenango (passes by Tecpán, closeto Iximché) from Xela one can travel easily toZaculeu
- Guatemala city to Retalhuleu (where one will find Abaj Takalik)
Also with trips to San Pedro Sula in Honduras and San Salvador.
For detailed information about the cost and itineraries consult directly Fuente del Norte:
Offices in Guatemala city: (502) 2251- 3817 / (502) 2238 - 3894
Offices in Petén: (502)7926 - 2999 / (502) 7926 - 0666
Hedman Alas

Luxury Buses travel direct from Guatemala City to Copan Ruinas in Honduras. Check rates, itineraries and reservations at the website of Hedman Alas(

luxury buses leave daily. Offering direct travel to the capital of El Salvador (San Salvador). Consult for prices, itineraries and reservations at (502) 2367- 4746 and (502) 2363 - 6240). Consult the
página web de Pullmantur (
http://www.pullmantur.com)for current information.
Rutas Orientales

Trips to Honduras (San Pedro Sula). Consult for prices, itineraries and reservations at
página web de Rutas Orientales (
Flights for the Mayan Route
to travel between the five countries of the Mayan Route, look for information about the airlines at:
Transportes aéreos por la Ruta Maya (vuelos comerciales y turísticos).
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